A rumor is an untrue story that circulates from person to person. It is a tall tale that is based on fact and can be about an event, object, or issue that is of public concern. Depending on the source, a rumor can be a slander, an urban legend, or a hoax. Here are some examples of rumors:
*** The word rumor has three meanings: “unverified information that is spread by word of mouth.” In a recent book, authors Allport and Postman use these terms to describe rumour movement. They note that the term ‘rumour’ comes from the Latin term ‘rumorum’, which means “hearsay”. This word is derived from the Greek root ‘rumos’, which means ‘to speak’ or ‘to tell’.
The word rumor is a form of gossip, or “common talk.” It refers to stories that are circulated by word-of-mouth. These stories can be accurate or untrue, and are often the source of many gossips and slanders. It is a way to deal with uncertainty and anxiety. People spread rumors for two reasons: first, they are anxious and second, they are trying to get a scoop on a new celebrity or a famous person.
Rumors can involve statements of ambiguous veracity. They may be true or false, or they could be spread by different audiences. A rumor can also involve a statement of a controversial nature. If there is a conflict of interest, a rumor can be more likely to spread. For example, a rumor involving an affair might involve a cryptic, ambiguous statement that is circulating around the Internet.
Similarly, a rumor can be a negative story. It is a story that has not been confirmed. It is often considered gossip. However, a rumor can be based on a false statement. A rumor is a false statement spread by a person who has heard the rumour. Moreover, a rumors may not be true. The source of the a speculative story is also uncertain.
A rumor can be true or false. In British English, the word rumor is a synonym of fiction. Unlike fiction, a rumors can be true. Despite its ambiguity, a rumor may be false or semi-true. In fact, a rumor may be true or false. It is a statement that has not been verified by a person. It is often spread by the source, which may be partisan, and may spread to the public.
In the World War II era, a rumor that was false and spread without any evidence became a pipe-dream. But the term is now largely disregarded, but it can be used to define the nature of a rumor. Some rumors are untrue. For instance, a rumor that is not true can be considered a bogus rumor. Nevertheless, rumors can be dangerous and should be discouraged.