Rumors – What is a Rumor?

A rumor is a story about a particular subject that spreads quickly through a community. It is different from a factual story and often reflects the emotions and desires of the community. The two basic types of rumor are negative and positive. In contrast, a positive rumors tends to generate more interest and is more likely to be spread. However, there are also some exceptions to the rule. A rumor can be a negative or a positive one.


When it comes to rumor studies, researchers have been able to identify several common misconceptions about the subject. For example, a rumor is something that is false but is being reported by an anonymous person. The term ‘rumor’ refers to a story that has not been confirmed by the original source. In some cases, it may be true or false. In any case, it is important to note that a ‘rumor’ can be a positive or negative experience that is spread through a large community.

A rumour has different levels of truth. It can be a false statement that is not true. It can also be a rumour about an affair. Various studies have shown that the ‘false rumour’ can appeal to different audiences and cause a large amount of discussion. The difference between a rumour and a false ‘rumour’ is not always clear, however. The definitions of these terms may differ from country to country.

Rumor can also be a social construct. This phenomenon is a phenomenon that exists everywhere and is used by people in the same community. In most cases, a rumour is true if it has been substantiated. The ‘false rumour’ is simply a malicious lie. In contrast, a rumour that is unsubstantiated and spread with the aim of stirring up trouble is a false rumour.

A rumour can be a fact or an unfounded rumour. A rumour that is based on a false statement is not a rumour if it is based on a single fact. In addition, a ‘true’ arumor will have a strong basis. It is also a rumour that has been substantiated but is not supported by a single source.

In 1902, William Stern, a German social scientist, experimented on rumors. He found that rumours are spread by ‘chains’ of people who were unable to repeat or explain their stories. He concluded that rumours were “subsets of memes’, which were influenced by a common, subconscious motivation. Ultimately, a ‘rumor’ can lead to falsehood.

The rumor is a false statement if it has been unsubstantiated or has been fabricated. In contrast, a false rumor will have no base and will be a false rumor if it is fabricated or exaggerated. If it is true, a ‘true’ – a rumor is a false statement. Moreover, a rumor is not a ‘fact’ if it is a’story’ if it is ‘not true’.