The Definition of Rumor


The Definition of Rumor

Rumor is a tall tale, an assertion, or an explanation that circulates from one person to another, usually about an object, event, or issue of public concern. Its origins are unclear, but many sources believe it to be true. Here are a few examples of rumors: a rumor about a movie, or a story about a celebrity’s recent scandal. The best definition of a rumor is an unverified, unfounded allegation.

A rumour is unverified information that is usually spread by word of mouth or hearsay. The word “rumor” is derived from the American Heritage Dictionary, 5th edition, copyright of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. The second-best definition is from the Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary. This version has no ambiguity or inaccuracy, which is an important factor in determining the credibility of a rumor.

In 1902, William Stern, a German social scientist, conducted experiments with rumours involving a “chain” of subjects. The participants were given the chance to repeat and explain their statements, but they were not allowed to confirm or deny them. The experiment showed that the length of the rumour decreased as the number of subjects in the chain increased. A second pioneer of the field was Gordon Allport, a journalist and writer.

A fourth definition emphasizes the content of the rumour. This distinguishes it from other types of information, such as trivial information or private matters. The content of a rumour is determined by the emotional needs of its recipients, not by the facts or the etymology of its source. In other words, rumours reflect public attitudes and desires. They are based on speculation, which means they are often false.

A third definition of a rumor emphasizes its content, and a fourth emphasis emphasizes the fact that rumours are not just trivial topics, but are generally public. The purpose of a rumour is to create an impression. It may be true or false, but it is most often inaccurate. The rumors are spread by people who believe them to be true. A rumour is a socially acceptable idea.

The definition of a rumour emphasizes the transmission of the information. It differentiates itself from trivial and private information. It is spread by word of mouth, and is generally based on emotions and a sense of community. Similarly, a rumour is not a gossip, but is a misunderstanding of a fact. It may also be a mistranslation of a truth or false. Some rumours are based on the content of a statement.

A rumor can be either true or false. However, it must be true if it spreads despite the fact that it is true. It can be either positive or negative, and it is important to remember that both can be true. While the same information can cause a rumour to exist, it is more likely to be spread when the source of the rumor is anxious. So, a rumor is a copy of an idea.