The Laws of Football

In professional football, the game is regulated by laws called Laws of the Game. These laws are intended to govern the game on all levels. Some laws are modified for particular groups or countries, but most are broad enough to allow for wide variation. In addition, there are a number of directives and decisions of…

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Problem Gambling Among Adolescents

Gambling is a common recreational activity where individuals bet money or something of value on an uncertain outcome. While it is often viewed as an adult activity, adolescents may engage in gambling as well. Adolescents’ gambling behavior ranges from no gambling to occasional social gambling, and can even include gambling that is excessive or out…

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Rumor and Strategic Communication

Rumor is a social phenomenon that can have both positive and negative effects, and is often used for a detrimental effect. For example, political candidates often face rumors about their opponents before an election, and rumors can also tarnish a candidate’s reputation. Rumors also play a role in strategic communication, the process of crafting messages…

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