New NBA Rules and Structures Take Effect This Season

When it comes to constructing a successful NBA team, roster construction is one of the most important factors. Teams need to be able to counter the opposing team’s skill set and prepare for any situation that might arise, whether it be an in-game strategy or a player injury. It’s a fine balance and can be difficult to perfect, but teams who can do it right will likely have a long run in the league.

The nba has been changing its rules and structures over the years. This season will see some major changes in the way the playoffs are conducted and the number of games played. The first change involves how teams are ranked in the playoffs. The top six teams in both the Eastern and Western Conference, based on winning percentage, will directly advance to the playoffs. Teams ranked seventh through 10th will compete in the NBA Play-In Tournament.

In addition to this change, the NBA will also shorten the length of each playoff series by making them all best-of-seven games. This will reduce the amount of time a team has to recover from a loss and increase the chances that a lower seed can knock off a higher one.

The other major rule change is a new restriction on the practice of rest days. Previously, the NBA allowed teams to give their star players rest days as needed, but it is now limiting the number of times that can happen and how long each game can be rested for. The league is imposing this restriction because it believes that the current schedule leads to an over-reliance on rest days, which can impact the quality of the game.

A few other minor changes that will take effect this season include allowing pre-approved designated back-to-back allowances for a limited group of stars who are 35 or older on opening night and have career workloads of over 34,000 regular-season minutes or more than 1,000 regular-season and playoff games. Players who fit this criteria include stars like LeBron James and Kevin Durant. In addition, the league will allow for other requests to have a player miss a game for personal reasons or for unforeseeable medical circumstances.

These new rules are sure to have an impact on the league and will help shape how it operates moving forward. The NBA has been evolving over the past decade, and these new stipulations are just another sign of that. Ultimately, it’s up to Commissioner Adam Silver and his staff to ensure that the nba stays at the forefront of sports entertainment. It’s a big job, but it’s one that they seem to be taking very seriously.