Study of Rumor: The Psychology of Rumor

A rumor, can be defined as a “fabricated story of reasons for things occurring from person to person, and usually pertaining to an individual, thing, event or topic in general public concern.” While there are many different types of rumors, the most prevalent are: false information passed on to another person; gossip; rumors which endanger someone’s reputation; false information spread as a consequence of a situation. The purpose of this article is to provide you with a simple guide to identifying the most popular types of rumors.


The first type of rumor is the allport, also called a rumour. Allport is a common type of rumor, often originating from one of several sources including a school, a politician, an athlete, or someone famous. Allport rumors share a central core idea that something happened or will happen, but fail to provide any supporting evidence or detail. This type of rumor can have a wide range of potential consequences depending on its nature and how it is told.

The second type of rumor is the allport of a secret. A secret, or top secret, does not normally have a place in regular conversation. However, when it comes to a world war, many rumors began circulating saying that the war was going to start in a very short period of time (often a few days or weeks). This rumor content may focus on anything from aircraft carriers or nuclear weapons to new weapons programs. As it became more believable, it was used as an excuse to justify war.

The third most prolific type of rumor is the postman’s tale. These are often told in stories about a group of postman spreading bad rumors about a given town in order to increase business. This type of rumor can lead to violence and even criminal activity. It can even result in higher insurance premiums.

Allport’s theory of psychological rumour has been expanded into other areas. He has also argued that social groups can create and reinforce individual speculations, myths, and outright lies. Rumors become beliefs and can cause people to act on false information which can have harmful and even deadly results. Psychology experts argue however that the study of human behaviour is too limited and complex to attempt to study the psychology of rumours. They claim that much work remains to be done on this complex and dynamic subject.

This article is a reflection of research work currently underway by social science researchers. My research focuses on informal networks (such as online message boards and chat rooms) and how rumors can spread quickly through these communication channels. I would like to develop this research to understand more about how we can better understand and fight the social spread of rumor. My findings could be useful to those trying to prevent the spread of rumors and lies. In addition, I hope to encourage more researchers in this field to consider this important area of modern culture.