Types of Rumors

What is a rumor? We have all heard stories that seem too incredible to be true…viral online videos, strange bed bugs, haunted dolls, and even the Loch Ness monster. A rumor is something “of interest with respect to a subject, event, situation, or subject in public interest.” The word “rumor” is derived from Latin rumere, which means “to roar or cheer.” The roaring of the beast was interpreted as “a sound of dinning and delight.”

When a story is reported on the radio, television, or newspaper, it is almost always presented as a “rumor,” though sometimes it is merely a description of an event rather than a story. Most newspapers, radio, and television news shows strive to present “up-to-date” or accurate information. However, one can often see a rumor get “downloaded” into the digital media and begin circulating through cyberspace, especially when Internet rumors are involved. Some people see a rumor and assume it is factual; others look for clues that help confirm it.

Just about every type of rumor has its roots in fact. For example, a well known story that started as a rumor has grown into a popular story because it bears similarity to other well known stories. One well known example is that of the legendary pirate Captain Hook. He supposedly captured a beautiful Spanish ship called the Santa Maria, which had a rich cargo of treasure. The crew mutinously attacked the captain, and although no one was harmed in the attack, many more were wounded.

A few weeks later, a group of locals came forward and gave statements about the entire story. These people claimed that the attack occurred because the captain didn’t treat them well. He also supposedly treated them poorly. He may have thrown one of them overboard and they died.

Other rumors have been around since ancient times. They include stories about vampires and the Loch Ness monster. People will often pass on these tales to family, friends, and newspapers in an attempt to pass a myth on to other people. There are also urban legends which have become well known examples of the many different types of urban myths that can spread through our culture.

When writing about a particular rumor, it is best to use the word “rumor” followed by its source. For instance, if I am writing about a real estate scam in which the buyer gets to buy a home but fails to pay for it, I should use the words “real estate scam” or “land scam.” This will ensure that my readers understand where the rumor is coming from. It is very important that we make sure that we correct misinformation wherever possible. By doing this, we will give those who are being affected by it a chance to get the whole story straight.