What Is Rumor?


Often associated with fiction, rumor is a form of misinformation or unverified report. Rumor is also a verb, meaning to spread a rumor. It can also be used as a synonym for gossip and talk. Rumor is related to Latin rumorem, which means noise or common talk.

Rumor has been around for many years. In fact, it is an enduring feature of social landscapes. It is a way of coping with uncertainty and ambiguity, and it functions to help us adapt to perceived threats. It is often discussed in conjunction with disinformation and other forms of social communication. It has also been found to influence attitudes and actions.

Rumors are usually spread by word of mouth. They are often passed around by non-credible sources, and are hard to trace. They can be true or false. They can also be semi-true. They can be spread in different forms, such as a flying report or a flying rumor. Rumors can also be spread by phone or face-to-face.

Rumors are often used to promote a cause or to persuade others. They may also be used to discredit an opponent. Rumors are typically true or false, but they are rarely definitive. Rumors often involve ambiguous statements that appeal to different audiences. It is important to understand that a rumor can only be considered credible if it is proven to be true. Rumors that are true may include statements about a person or an event. Rumors about an event may be true if they are spread ahead of time, but may be false if they are spread after the event has occurred.

Rumors are used by governments, businesses and individuals to influence attitudes and actions. Rumors are also often used in a smear campaign, which is a coordinated effort to attack a character. Rumors can also be used to discredit an opponent, but it is not necessary to do so. For example, if a company is going out of business, the rumors may be true, but it is not necessary to discredit a person. Rumors can also be used to re-frame events.

Rumors are often spread by word of mouth, but they can also be spread by a computer or by a mobile phone. Rumors are usually spread by uncredible sources, and they are rarely definitive. Rumors are often discussed in conjunction with disinformation and other forms of social communication. They are often used to persuade others. Rumors may also be used to discredit an opponent, or to re-frame events. Rumors are often used to promote ‘goodwill’. However, rumors that are negative are more likely to be spread than positive rumors. Rumors that are negative may include claims about a person or an event. Rumors that are negative may include charges of fraud, conspiracy, and other types of dishonesty.

Rumors can be used in conjunction with other forms of social communication, such as reports, pictures, and pictures. Rumors may be considered propaganda, which is a term that refers to a type of influence that is based on significant symbols and reports.