The Four Components of a Rumor

A rumor is a story that spreads from one person to another, often for political purposes. Rumors are the result of uncertainty, lack of information, and anxiety. Some rumor sources are clearly partisan, while others are anonymous. They are most dangerous in highly developed electronic media societies, as they can spread quickly and easily. Here…

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The Golden Era of the NBA

The 1980s was a great decade for the NBA, beginning a golden era that helped to set the foundation for the league we know today. But while the NBA was enjoying its best seasons since its inception, there were still a number of teams who struggled, especially the Utah Jazz. Many NBA players made controversial…

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Facts About the Origin of Football

The first matches of football were contested by the working classes of Britain, with crowds of up to 30,000 watching the big match. Later, it spread around the world as British emigrants made their way to South America and India. In England, female players were prohibited from playing on football league grounds, but this was…

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How to Win Big at Slots

When you play slots, you’ll find that each machine has a pay table, or list of possible credits for matching certain symbols. Some symbols may represent multiple other symbols, meaning that they can appear on different reels in certain combinations. You’ll find the pay tables on the machine’s face or in a help menu. But…

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Variations of the Name Judi

Despite her Jewish roots, Judi is an incredibly popular name that has many alternate spellings. Judith, Judy, and Judye are all common variations of this name, although these have fallen out of style in recent years. In this article, we’ll explore the many ways Judi can be spelled. If you’re not sure what it means,…

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